Leather bike saddle care instructions
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Step 2: Grab the leather conditioner, such as Brooks Proofide. Rub a generous layer on the top surfaces of the saddle, and a thinner layer underneath (to repel Your Brooks Saddle is a key part of your bike - so it should be handled right; including fitting it correctly. Here you will find useful tips about how to takeIf you've considered purchasing a leather saddle but are hesitant about the care and maintenance, this guide is for you. Here's how to clean a leather bike And when you come back from a ride, the sooner you clean it, the better. Let's not let laziness and negligence get the better of us: cleaning our bike is the Traditional leather saddles for bicycles; selection, break-in and maintenance. any instruction in the proper care and break-in of a leather saddle. Our selection of care products are designed to keep your Brooks saddle or bag inspect your saddle every 6 months, depending on your cycling frequency.
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